[clug] [OT] NBN migration & ISPs
Ben Davies
2014-09-13 03:48:19 UTC
Hi all,

I figured I'd consult the local linux list hive mind for some NBN ISP
opinions. The existing linux list archives didn't turn up anything,
although there were some threads on whirlpool.

Given the migration was from the Transact FTTH monopoly, by default we
were signed up with iinet. Their rates are not particularly
competitive & technical support was pretty bad. eg. on a call I
mentioned using Linux, which got the stunned response "oh", followed
by instructions to type Windoof commands...

A more technically savvy ISP would be nice :-)

For those on the NBN, has anyone got any recommendations/experiences
with other ISPs?

If it helps, our 2P household are only light-moderate users: mostly
mail or web browsing, no gaming, occasional streaming of iview & Skype



PS. if anyone is interested, I can post some details of the migration
installation. This was another area where NBN Co / iiNet were lacking
in info, resulting in more hoops to jump through.
Ben Davies
2014-09-13 04:28:12 UTC
I'm only running a TP-Link wireless router (n) to the NTD via internal cabling.

We're up and running now, but there were some initial glitches. A
Thiess tech installed the kit & allegedly tested the connection. I
spent some time stuffing about that evening, unable to get online -
even when directly connecting some laptops to the NTD.

iiNet's specialist fibre team were pretty useless when I called them
(ie. "is the LED green?"). Apparently they could see my system
connected, but I wasn't getting assigned an IP addr (for either the
router, or the laptops). One of the laptops randomly made a
connection, then the router managed to connect when I plugged that in.
It seems to have been working since then.

I'd still prefer to move to a better ISP :-)

Would you mind posting to the list the equipment you?ve got that connects you to the Fibre NTD?
I?m at a loss as to why Linux would be an issue when every ISP I know expects FTTH customers to connect via a Firewall/Router.
Steve Barnes
2014-09-13 04:32:40 UTC
Post by Ben Davies
PS. if anyone is interested, I can post some details of the migration
installation. This was another area where NBN Co / iiNet were lacking
in info, resulting in more hoops to jump through.
We should write a book.


2014-09-14 23:24:27 UTC
Hi All,
If you are interested in working on Galileo boards, the ICT in schools project using them this semester still urgently needs a couple of ICT volunteers. We have some teachers who are keen to be involved but they need to be in a partnership. There will be 10 boards per school plus odds and sods to go with them (LEDs, servos etc). If you are interested please get in touch with me on 6276 6046 or joel.cowey at csiro.au. It is not a very long commitment, only a bit of help maybe once a week/fortnight for a couple of months.
I hope Eyal won't mind me mentioning him but he is working with Gungahlin College and could give you some feedback about what his experience has been.
You do need to do a working with Children check but csiro will pick up any costs involved.

